1 day ago Ronna McDaniel Considering Run Against Whitmer in 2022Republicans are gearing up to challenge Governor Whitmer in the 2022 election. Ronna Romney McDaniel (born March 20, 1973) is an American politician and political strategist serving as Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) since 2017. A member of the Republican Party and the Romney family, she was Chair of the Michigan Republican Party from 2015 to 2017. Aug.01 - Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, discusses the midterm elections and Twitter's alleged 'shadow banning' with Bloomb. In late July 2018, McDaniel falsely claimed that Twitter was shadow banning Republicans, including herself. Twitter did not shadowban Republicans, but due to a glitch, several prominent conservative and left-leaning Twitter accounts were not automatically suggested in the site's drop-down search results.
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American Thinker ^ | 10/28/2020 | Andrea Widburg
Posted on 10/28/2020 6:18:42 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
If you pay attention only to the polls and the mainstream media narrative, you’ll believe that, even though the presidential race is tightening, Biden still maintains a lead and can handily win the upcoming election. However, if you look at the information on the Twitter feed of Ronna McDaniel, the GOP Chairwoman, you’ll see an entirely different story and one that is more in sync with Trump’s well-attended rallies compared to Biden’s anemic afternoon teas.
Today, Joe Biden shuffled out of his basement for another one of his “rallies.” It was an embarrassment:
A Joe Biden rally. Seriously. pic.twitter.com/MftpWabn9c— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) October 27, 2020
Meanwhile, Donald Trump is doing two to three rallies a day, every day, and looking more vibrant and alive with each passing appearance before tens of thousands of people.
The interesting question, and the one the mainstream media would prefer you don’t ask, is who are the people attending Biden’s rallies? As was the case in 2016, the Trump campaign and the GOP are paying close attention to the people showing up. Here’s data that McDaniel published from the last several Trump rallies. In tweet after tweet, pay attention to the number of non-Republicans at the rallies and the number of people who did not support Trump in 2016. The Midwestern numbers are extraordinary.
OHIO is ready to re-elect @realDonaldTrump!
✅ 18,949 signups
✅ 42.2% NOT Republican
✅ 29.7% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Circleville!!— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 25, 2020
(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...
TOPICS:Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/ElectionsKEYWORDS:2020; polls; ronnamcdaniel; twitter
Our supporters in NEW HAMPSHIRE are ready to turn the state red for @realDonaldTrump!
✅ 13,263 signups
✅ 44.8% NOT Republican
✅ 20.4% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Manchester!!
While Joe Biden holds ZERO events today, @realDonaldTrump is firing up supporters all across PENNSYLVANIA! From his first rally:
✅ 13,331 signups
✅ 23.8% NOT Republican
✅ 21.9% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Allentown!!— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020
Well, at least they're adequately social distanced :)
Fantastic crowd at @realDonaldTrump’s rally in Lititz, PA:
✅ 18,894 signups
✅ 22.2% NOT Republican
✅ 20.8% did not vote in 2016
Thank you to everyone who turned out!!— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020
Another great turnout for @realDonaldTrump in PENNSYLVANIA:
✅ 11,593 signups
✅ 14.1% NOT Republican
✅ 21.6% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Martinsburg!— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 26, 2020
President @realDonaldTrump won Michigan in 2016 by bringing new voters into the fold, and today’s crowd shows he is doing it again!
✅ 19,240 signups
✅ 50.9% (!!) NOT Republican
✅ 32.8% did not vote in 2016
Thank you, Lansing!!— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 27, 2020
omg! not even all of those sparse chairs are filled! They were overly optimistic with the chair order. haha!
no pollster can get at the 20-30% of attendees who did not vote in 2016....just not possible
Biden was campaigning in Georgia. This is 2016 redux, their internals must be shat. He is going to lose so they pull the “Expanding the map” bullcrap. McDuck did it in 2008 with his trips to California. What a losing campaign does...burn through the cash with nonsensical stops to get a few more paid junkets of free hotel rooms, booze and food. Hillary did this in 2016 when she knew she was going to lose a week out.
THAT is embarassing. I’ve done a bit of public speaking. My audiences have been larger than that.
Not all of those chairs are filled.
A big game of Twister for the Twisted One.
I spent some time last weekend with a friend I hadn’t seen in years. I was very surprised to learn she’s voting for Trump. She’s not a conservative and was never especially well-informed, politically. But she said 2016 made her start paying more attention because “I couldn’t understand all the hatred people had for this man.”. She talked about the economy he gave us ( “think what could have been done if people had helped him instead of just pick, pick, pick”) and the Dems love of illegal immigrants scares her.
I know there are many out there who are like her, just sick of the 24/7 hate-fest!
How do we know these people aren’t lying about not being Republican or not never have voted? These other polls showing way higher support among minorities how do we know its not white Republicans saying they are hispanic or black?
From that picture, it appears the cancel party is cancelling themselves.
Kinda like the movie Logan’s Run but in this case everyone with an IQ over 30 is sent to Carousel.
Once you see the pattern the next logical question to be asked is what do all these 'NOT Republican' and 'did not vote in 2016' rally attendees do after they leave the rallies.
These people are fired up and highly motivated when leaving. I seriously doubt that they don't tell others about their experiences. I seriously doubt that they don't go a vote for Trump.
The photo is where we had to go early vote.
Hours of waiting in line, cars parked all along the surrounding roads and people walking long distances to the voting place.
We got in and out pretty fast because someone in line gave up their place for Himself’s CHF issues.
Otherwise, we’d have been there for hours.
I didn’t see a lot of what I’d call “liberal looking people”, either.
Lots of TRUMP masks.
I intend to go watch what happens at the local high school which would have been my election day place but I decide to take him in for early voting on the last warm day we’ll have for weeks.
The chairs that are filled are filled with donors, Party officials, maybe staff in needed. They take no chance someone may report anything they do not want reported and no questions asked.
As I posted in another thread concerning that picture yesterday, it’s Joe Biden’s America where people are told what to do and how to do it. We have to get that message out.
mainstream media narrative, you’ll believe that, even though the presidential race is tightening, Biden still maintains a lead and can handily win...
Just as in 2016 the premise is BS!!!
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Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, made various allegations of election irregularities and misconduct in Michigan at a Friday afternoon press conference. Among the allegations she made, one of the biggest ones was that election workers in Detroit backdated ballots to make it appear that they were received after Election Day.
Former Vice President Joe Biden currently holds a 146,600-vote lead over President Donald Trump in the state, Politico reports.
McDaniel’s claimed that a whistleblower said that some of the workers at the TCF Center in Detroit were instructed by a former director of state elections, Chris Thomas, to “backdate” absentee ballots. In Michigan, in order for a ballot to be considered valid, it had to be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Thomas, however, fired back at her claim in a statement, The Detroit Free Pressreports.
“In the heat of the moment responsible officials should avoid denigrating the election process without verifying their information,” he said.
“None of these ballots were received after 8 p.m. on election day. Most were received on Monday, November 2nd – the busiest day for the satellite offices,” Thomas also said.
According to Thomas, workers at voting sites in Detroit forget to input the date a ballot was received into the qualified voter file, which is Michigan’s election computer system. Additionally, Thomas said, the actual ballots were stamped with the date they were received, however, and that the issue was a clerical error.
“This issue was discussed with several Republican challengers,” he added. “Two challengers were provided demonstration of the QVF process and they chose not to file a challenge to the individual ballots.”
McDaniel at the conference also stated that these allegations have been referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Eastern Michigan and that they warrant an investigation.
“It needs to be pursued, not just by Republicans but also by Democrats. Because if we are going to come out of this and say this was a fair and free election, what we are hearing from the city of Detroit is deeply troubling,” McDaniel said.
“So we are going to pursue this,” she added. “You know, the media, Joe Biden, have all said be patient. We should all be patient. But we should also be patient as we pursue these irregularities.”
McDaniel did not indicate whether or not the Republican Party would file a lawsuit in Michigan based on these allegations.
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